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FRONTYARD Summer School

156 bytes added, 06:06, 2 November 2018
6pm - 8pm - What is Web Scraping? How does it work and when do I use it?: write a little more
=== Monday, 19th Nov ===
==== 6pm - 8pm - What is Web Scraping? How does it work and when do I use ? When is ituseful? ====Web scraping is a really handy way to collect lots of data off the web. Ever need to check the same website again and again to check if something’s changed? Need to collect lots of ephemeral documents? Want to create a little software to do that manual, repetitive labour so you can do something more interesting? Web scraping can help. Web scraping is the basis of most activist software projects and plays an increasingly important role in activism as more government information goes online.
This is an open presentation to explain what web scraping is, when it's useful and when it's not.