Janitors' Practices

From frontyard
Revision as of 02:37, 4 February 2024 by Equivalentideas (talk | contribs) (Add space for booking residencies)
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There are a number of practices that the Janitors perform to facilitated access and care for Frontyard.

Currently these are handed down in a number of ways (through Slack, via a Google Doc Janitors Handbook, together as we work and in Janitors Meetings).

We would like to better document these activities for transparency and to enable broader participation, and so can also use this space to document our practices.

Booking residencies

To be written - please go ahead.

Creating New Wiki Users

This wiki is a space for use by anyone who has signed the MoU, residents for example.

When people sign the MoU, you can offer to create them an account on the wiki. Follow these steps.

Your wiki account needs to have administrator User Rights to create a new wiki account. Ask an administrator to give you these rights if needed.

  1. Ask the person what username and password they would like, or or generate them a strong passphrase. Note: Because of our current MediaWiki configuration, it is not possible for people to reset their password for Frontyard's wiki if they forget it, and will have to create a new account instead.
  2. Fill in the username and password on the Special:CreateAccount page and click 'Create Account'.
  3. Send the username and password to the person, careful not to share the password in a public channel.
  4. Send the person the Login Page.
  5. If they are a resident, send them to the Residencies page and ask them to add their name and dates to the table, and use the page for whatever documentation or articulation they would like. Remind them that the wiki is an open, evolving digital garden that they can contribute across.