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Revision as of 01:54, 6 March 2018 by Equivalentideas (talk | contribs) (Fix the headings by making them just bold text, this should prevent them collapsing in the mobile view and the bug that means you cant open them)

Welcome to is Frontyard's wiki. It has been started as a way to begin collectively archiving and collating the knowledges that circulates Frontyard. This wiki is open to the frontyard community. You're encouraged to contribute to the wiki and create new pages. Get in touch with one of the janitors via slack or email and they'll make you an account.

A few places to start reading:

New to contributing to wiki?

Just go for it. This is a space for you to create whatever you want to see.

If you need a hand getting started, ask anything you like in the Frontyard Slack—we're all learning this together.

If you want the official manual, consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.