Backing up this Wiki

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This is the research completed at the digital gardening bee 30th June 2018—it is yet to be implemented:
1. Use mysqldump to make a backup 2. You’ll want to save to a different filename every time, e.g.
nice -n 19 mysqldump -u $USER --password=$PASSWORD $DATABASE -c | nice -n 19 gzip -9 > ~/backup/wiki-$DATABASE-$(date '+%Y%m%d').sql.gz
You can skip the “nice -n 19” parts of this command, but the useful part is the date.
3. Test that the backup works
I’m not super clear on how to test.
4. Passwords are hashed and salted, so it’s probably ok. Use scp/sftp to copy, e.g.
scp wikifile.gz remote.server:~/backups/
5. You can put all that in a batch script and then use crontab. See