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no edit summary
* [ ] Gnat catching still going? If not remove sign.
* [ ] Reorganise glasses
* [ ] Get more glasses?
* [x ] Clean top shelf
* [x ] Clean second to top shelf
* [x ] pots cull
* [ ] Clean window
* [ ] Trim / tidy plants
* [ ] Clean walls
* [ ] Clean out bowls of crap
* [ x] Organise teas and spices
* [ ] Get rid of coffee machine?
* [ x] Is there two blenders?
* [ ] Label the doors
* [ ] Deep scrub of surfaces and walls
* [ ] Paint doors
* [ ] Paint walls
* [ x] Dust and clean roof
* [ ] Add a lower shelf for glasses
* [ ] Remove paper towel dispenser from wall
== library ==
* [ x] Strengthen / rebuild library desk to use recess surface space
* [ ] Add phone chargers to desk
* [ ] Clean desk
* [ ] Label working printer
* [ ] New printed sign
* [ x] What is ephemera box under desk?
* [ ] Scrub desk
* [ ] Clean windows and ledge
* [ ] Collage library is a mess (says Tessa :) ), make it more accessible.
* [ ] Audit cupboards
* [ ] return dat tapes box to CC
* [ ] Wash and re-label door
* [ ] Test speakers and get rid of them ( too loud ). Return?
* [ ] Make better practical use of trollytrolley
== Getaroom A bathroom ==
* [ ] Tighten / do some maintenance on locks
* [ ] Clean window frames
* [ x] Clean windows
* [ ] Clean walls
* [ ] Scrub the floor
* [ ] Check and label air con control?
== veranda verandah ==
* [ ] Is the a-frame usable?
* [ ] Audit all the stuff behind the ping pong table. Organise and make accessible.
* [ ] Fix missing wheel from pingpong table
* [ ] Clear books from shelf* [ ] Clean shelf and find another location* [ ] Get rid of books- TZ* [ x] Put badge maker with other assets
* [ ] Get rid of old nasty cushions
* [ ] Get native bees for native bee hive

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